
Electrisim is a free web-browser tool to perform electrical analyses.

The Electrisim application is based on the open-source projects: pandapower and OpenDSS. Pandapower is commonly used for power system analysis, while OpenDSS is often mostly used for distribution system modeling. By combining these two software in the Electrisim application we are giving you the possibility to use the advantages of these two continuosly developed software.

Following calculation capabilities are currently available:

pandapower is a joint development of the research group Energy Management and Power System Operation, University of Kassel and the Department for Distribution System Operation at the Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (IEE), Kassel.

OpenDSS is a development of Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI).

You don't need to install the pandapower or OpenDSS and use a script language to calculate the electrical network. With the Electrisim web application, you can easily perform these calculations by simply dragging and dropping elements.

The Electrisim application is designed to work only in desktop web browsers and is not compatible with mobile phones.

Last updated